동의어를 이용한 문맥 파악 (3)

문맥 안에 있는 유사한 낱말 또는 표현을 통해 모르는 단어나 표현의 의미를 알아내는 방법을 배워봅시다.

1.   Celia: [Urging Rosalind to say something] Why, cousin! Why, Rosalind! … Not a word?
Rosalind: Not one to throw at a dog.
Celia: No, thy words are too precious to be cast away upon curs; throw some of them at me. (William Shakespeare’s As You Like It)

2.   Some children who are reserved with strangers are not at all uncommunicative with friends.

3.   Why should I retract my statement? It is a perfectly true remark, and I see no reason to withdraw it.

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