인과관계에해당하는동사로는 cause, make, bring, bring about, lead to, contribute to, give rise to, result in 등이있다. 대표적인동사 cause를도식화하면다음과같다.
S (원인) cause O (결과): 주어때문에 ~ (결과)가일어나다/발생하다
→수동태로전환시 S (결과) be caused by (원인): 주어는 ~ (원인) 때문이다
인과관계 독해지문
I believe that there are a number of questions that it is no use our asking, because they can never be answered. Nothing but waste, worry, or unhappiness is caused by trying to solve insoluble problems.
Further Study
The surge in illegal rhino poaching across Southern Africa has led to an international protest against rhino horn used in so-called traditional healing practices. (남아프리카전역에서불법적인코뿔소밀렵증가로인해서이른바전통적인치료법으로사용되는코뿔소뿔에대한국제적인반대가일어났다.)
These results gave rise to another interesting question.
Slower global economic growth also is contributing to the investment slowdown.(경제성장이또한둔화되고있기때문에투자도둔화되고있다.)
전치사 from을대동하는 come from, result from, derive from, stem from 등도인과관계를의미한다. 사건발생순서가 “결과←원인”이라는점에서 cause 동사의수동태와같다. 따라서해석또한 cause 동사의수동태와일치한다.
S (결과) come from (원인): 주어의원인은 ~ 때문이다
Government income derived from indirect taxation such as import duties.(정부수입의원인은수입관세와같은간접과세에있다.)