3형식 He left the room. 방에서떠났다. He left a job. 직장을그만두었다. He left a good name. 훌륭한명성을남겼다. He left two sons and a daughter. 두아들과딸을남기고떠났다. (죽었다)
4형식 He left him a huge legacy. 그에게많은유산을남겼다. He left her no choice. 그녀에게선택의여지를남기지않았다. 5형식 Leave the door open. 문을열어두십시오.
Today’s Key Expression
deal a blow to[at] ~에게 일격을 가하다
Noting that automobiles
and semiconductors are becoming major export items to the U.S. market, trade
officials pointed out that the U.S. promise not to impose a curb on the imports
of the Korean items is interpreted here as a big success for Korea. “Should the
U.S. put a brake on imports of Korean-made passenger cars, it would deal a
severe blow to the just-begun exports of Korean cars to the United States,”
they said.